Mango Salsa
It’s mango season in Florida. I used to live a pretty poor apartment complex and in the middle was a huge mango tree. Everyone in that area would come pick mangos for their family. I always found it so cool that this huge tree provided for the community.
So this week, I ended up with a ton of mangos. What will I make? Mango Rice Pudding? Mango sorbet? A mango-tango something. Whatever, you can’t go wrong with mangos.
Mangos are relatives of poison ivy so be careful with the skin. The rind of the fruit contains urushiol which causes the reaction. I made the mistake once of eating one that still had part of the skin on and burned my lips. LOL, lip fillers o’natural to say the least. DON’T it’s awful. Not everyone has this allergy but just be careful. I eat the fruit no problem.
Mangos are high in vitamin C. Help with iron absorption and a source of antioxidants.
2 ripe mangos
2 jalapeños
1 red onion
1/2 cup of cilantro
1 lime squeezed
pinch of salt
Dice mangos, jalapeños(wash your hands immediately it can burn too), red onion, and chop cilantro, and place into a bowl. With some pressure, roll the lime on the counter to get the juices going, cut, and squeeze on top. Add a pinch of salt and mix with a spoon and your are ready to eat!
This is great on top of grilled chicken. Or even a grilled chicken salad. My sister-in-law likes it on fish tacos.