Humble Mommy

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Dairy Free Halloween Candy Bark

Simple easy and delicious

1 bag os Enjoy Life Semi Sweet chocolate morsels

parchment paper

1/2 cup candy corn

1/2 cup marshmallow

1/2 cup of pretzels

1/2 cup of your sprinkle of choice we used various halloween sprinkles

You can melt chocolate on a double boiler or microwave chocolate till completely smooth and melted. Lay our parchment paper on a pan. Once melted smooth out about 1/4 inch thickness on parchment. If it is too thin it won’t hold the toppings.

After smoothed out on parchment, place your favorite dairy free toppings. Save the marshmallows for last.

Microwave for marshmallows for about 30 seconds. Once cool enough to touch, pick up with hands and pull apart like a spiders web. It will stick to your fingers but the sticker the better for webs. Drape marshmallow stickiness over bark like a web.

Place in the freezer for at least and hour. Once solid take a kitchen hammer to the bark or break with your hands. ENJOY!! You can do this different holiday seasons using different seasonal candy or sprinkles.