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Trader Joe Reviews

I love Trader Joe’s! The staff are friendly. The food is cheap but full of great goodies. I recently went to their website to see the favorite picks. This is my unbiased opinion on some things I picked out. I will continue to update as I try new stuff. Again if you are a reader of my blog we use a lot of dairy free and vegan foods for my daughter, so there’s lots of options for vegan friendly eats.

My family ate them before I could take a pic of the box. 🙌Joe Joe’s pumpkin shaped Cookies: I couldn’t figure out why these were so popular. It looked just like an Oreo. But so many people were head over heals so I got them for my kids. I defiantly ate a few! I think the chocolate cookie tastes very much like a fresh brownie. Not your typical Oreo cookie.